Monday, March 9, 2009


I know those of you that read this are thinking, "whats new Mauri!" But it really does seem that life has been a little bit crazier lately. We are getting really busy at work with spring events, leader's trainings, enrollment, and moving my office yet again. Life on the home front hasn't been quiet either. The kids have been busy with all their activities, we had company for a week two weeks ago, my parents for a weekend, and now have company for another five days. So yes, it has been a little more hectic than usual.

In the meantime I am determined to learn to french braid. I have practiced on Rachel at the office, Hailey and Kenna at home, and yes even McKenna's American Girl doll "Dawn Hansen". I have decided that my fingers are like sausages and do not cooperate. Very frustrated, but one day, you will see my girls in french braids, I guarantee it.
